Sunday, December 27, 2009

Digging Out (Last Sunday and Monday)

I thought Gingy might like to try going out in the snow...after all, she's got a luxurious fur coat and fluffy feet. She got as far as coming out on the back steps and looking under the railing. That was enough!

This is the view from the foot of my driveway across the steet.

Very tired from shovelling, i paused...and saw this bird's nest revealed by the late angle of the sun and a cap of snow.

Monday morning...finally finished shovelling my driveway! I shovelled 3 1/2 hours on Sunday until i ran out of daylight and energy and finished up with another hour of work on Monday. Thank goodness for telecommuting...i was able to work from home instead of worrying about getting out of my driveway.

Monday afternoon, everything is covered in snow, except the aucuba has tossed off the snow on its leaves and heated up the snow around its stem. These plants are often misused in commercial landscaping around here, but this one is performing beautifully as a speciman in my shade garden.


  1. You poor thing! There's nothing I hate more than digging out! I'm so glad this missed us and I hope all the future ones do too.

  2. We hope you do not get this kind of snow often! It is hard work!

  3. I'm always pleased when your new posts pop up. When my husband's aunt and family were living, we visited them a number of times in Petersburg, VA---never when there was snow. I gather that freezing rain or dreary grey days are most usual for winter than a genuine blizzard.
    Aren't cats funny? We have one who paws at the window glass when snow is falling--as though he might be able to touch it.

  4. That's a lot of snow. We understand Gingy - but we don't mind the snow ourselves.

  5. Thank you so much for the kind words to comfort us on the loss of our darling Angel. It means so much to us that you cared about us at such a sad time.

    We wish you all the best for 2010, stay warm and cosy!

    Whicky Wuudler
    and his Mum
