First off, i'd like to thank seriously amused for the lovely Kreativ award. She's the mom of Cinza and Ms. P who have their own blog and takes very interesting photographs that she pairs with thought-provoking captions and quotations.
Here's the award.

Isn't it beautiful?!
So here are the rules. List six things that make you happy. Pass the award on to six bloggers for Kreativ. Link to the blogger who gave you this award. Link to the blogs receiving the award. Notify the recipients.
1. Happy kitties--warm, well fed, snuggling kitties make me very happy.
2. Kitties who love each other--almost every day i am just overwhelmed with feelings of happiness when i see how much Louie and Fuzzy love each other. They are unrelated male cats who are about 4 years apart in age and came into the household several years apart, but they treat each other like siblings. They can often be found snuggled up together on the bed or couch and Fuzzy helps Louie wash a very important area that he can't reach well. They are the two cats most likely to play together, and watching "middle aged" 16-pound cats wrestling and chasing each other is enough to cheer the most dour soul!
3. Listening to music--almost any kind of music makes me happy, but especially music made by small numbers of people who clearly enjoy playing together and sparking each other to greatness. That holds as true for Bach as for bluegrass!
4. Working with my hands--quilting, cross stitch, baking bread, gardening...all make me happy as i can put things together and make something pretty or edible (or pretty and edible *g*). I get the joy of making something...and then the joy of giving it to someone or feeding it to someone. And i really do like being outdoors, in the sun, smelling the good earth, and listening to the birds sing.
5. Helping other people--it makes me so happy to be able to find the answers to any kind of question, to point people to the right resource, to put people together who can help each other accomplish the same goal, to provide resources people need to live better.
6. Reading--apparently i had some trouble learning to read. I don't remember that! I've become a lifelong learner, and my most successful way of learning something is to read the instructions (i also edit instructions to make them easier for other non-technical types to understand!). And reading for sheer pleasure is one of my greatest joys, sinking into another place and time.
I'd like to present this award to lots and lots of people, but narrowed it down to the following who i hope haven't been swamped with awards already (interestingly, and not surprisingly, they almost all love cats, gardens, and make some kind of art):
1. Katie Jane at who is working on a very interesting art journal despite a demanding full time job (and is a cat lover).
2. Liz at who does some of the cutest illustrations you've ever seen, including a great illustrated version of the Owl and the Pussycat (and is a cat lover).
3. Glenna at who does beautiful counted cross-stitch and is the mom of 6 cats and 3 house rabbits.
4. Karen at who is a lovely spiritual person who is an art quilter (and cat lover)
5. Nan at who is a very talented artist making wonderful watercolors, including cats.
6. Milo and Alfie's mom at for doing such a great job of telling the story in pictures and words of her two charming cat boys.