Thursday, March 12, 2009

Signs of Spring in Washington DC

1. The flowering plum trees in the landscaped traffic island over by the Mandarin Oriental hotel are all showing wonderful pink color in their buds.
2. The magnolia soulangeana in the Smithsonian's Enid Haupt garden are foolishly opening their blossoms.
3. The forsythia planted against the sound barrier along Interstate 66 are starting to bloom.
4. The big clumps of early daffodils planted in the same place are blooming.
5. The buds on the maple trees are turning red and swelling, so that the stark winter tree silhouettes are softening.
6. People are starting to talk about the Cherry Blossom festival and the city is full of tourist buses and tourists.
6. A chance of snow is forecast for tonight....


  1. send it all north! (but not the snow, thank you).

  2. We are getting signs of spring too. We always expect out last cold snap at Easter.

  3. Oh I love your photos ! Love your cats ! You are a true cat girl !
    I will be back to look at older posts but right now I have to go pack up YOUR pillow !!

  4. Sounds promising! Hopefully it will just rain!!!

  5. It was actually sunny this morning whilst the snow fell down. Very pretty. And now the sky is blue and it's sunny again. We're so looking forward to spring and summer.

    Ms. P and Cinza

  6. Ah spring! In our garden there's buds waiting to burst all over. We're so looking forward to the coming season!

  7. we tink this is our first vsit here. we cant be sure as we are just getting back into blogging and memory, know how beans memories can be.

    maw says you have two beautiful tuxies on your header!!! squee!!!

  8. It's hard for me to imagine that you have so many signs of spring already. I love winter but at this point I think I'm yearning for some signs of spring, too.

  9. We love the sounds of Spring - but snow? Brrrr ....

  10. The tulip trees are blooming at the Red Cross. The willows are getting green fuzz along the Potomac. And it was cold, cold today!

  11. While we're waiting for spring we've given you an award! You can pick it up on our blog.

  12. Yippie! Spring and open windows are on the way. *shudder* I hope you don't get snow tho. That would stink. It is actually warm here in SW Ohio. I can't wait for my beans to get home so I can sniff outside thru the windows.

    Nice to meet you!


  13. Thanks for your comment about my dad.
    Looking forward to your next post!

  14. I can almost hear the robins.

    Sounds lovely.
