Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hummingbird Card Giveaway

I've been away from this blog for way too long! I started a new job last August which has kept me busier than ever, the cats have had some health problems, i've spent more time watching eaglets on a webcam than you can imagine, i went to Vermont and to Maine this summer for two separate one-week vacations....etc.!

I almost made my first return post on July 8, when my dear Fuzzy died, but instead of starting that way, i'd like to start with a giveaway to (i hope) welcome back my friendly readers...i made a card celebrating seeing a female rubythroat hummingbird in my backyard last week, and i'd like to give it to a randomly selected commenter on the blog. So please leave a comment by midnight Friday, September 16, and you might be the winner of the card.

I don't have hummingbird feeders up, so i was delighted to see the hummingbird in my backyard. My old privet hadge in the back of the house has been getting pretty thin and patchy looking, but some spots are being filled in by volunteer Rose of Sharon seedlings, and the hummingbird i think was attracted by one of the Rose of Sharon's blossoms....its first this year!


  1. Oh, so glad to see you are back! I was just thinking about you yesterday!

    Isn't it amazing the hummingbird found your Rose of Sharon!
    I am always so thrilled to see the hummingbirds in our yard, too! They seem to love the honeysuckle blossoms winding up through our trees. I haven't seen her lately, maybe she's working her way down south and is visiting you!

    Sounds like you've had a very busy summer!

    Am so very sorry about Fuzzy...(we also had a big loss in August with our beloved Polly)

    take good care!

  2. I have always liked your posts--stopped by your blog a few times to see if perhaps I had missed your return.
    The loss of a pet is so difficult--and we get acquainted with those of our blog friends and feel sadness when a death or disappearance is reported. Cats [and dogs and horses!] become such a huge part of our daily life.
    I hope you'll have time to blog more often. Were you in Vermont for a quilting event?
    We've enjoyed hummingbirds here this summer--'enjoyed' not quite the correct word for their bombastic activity above our heads when we sat on the porch!

  3. Welcome back. We are so sorry to hear about Fuzzy. WE understand wanting to come back to on a happy note! That is a beautiful card.

  4. Dear Paula,

    So sorry to hear about Fuzzy. He was with you for such a long time and I know you all miss him. Hope Louis and Gingy are managing.

    Kate (from Frank's)

  5. Welcome back. We missed you. We are so sorry about Fuzzy. We knew he had not been well but are sad he had to go to the Bridge.

    That's a beautiful card!

    We have a new family member. Young Genji (Gen-Chan), a blue Abyssinian kitten joined the Gang in early July and is settling in very well.

    The Chans

  6. Oh, sweet Fuzzy. May you be comforted by strong and dear memories of your time together.

    Missed you.

  7. We are glad to see you back but are very sad to sear little Fuzzy died. Sending purrs.

  8. Hi Paula,
    Good to see you back. So sorry to hear about Fuzzy.
    I missed your giveaway, but am happy to see you back on your blog!

  9. Hi furriends! We are so sorry to hear about Fuzzy. Purrs of comfort sent your way. We are out of the loop in the blog world.

    We wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a Happy Hanukkah!!

    Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee (Danica too)

  10. December 23rd 2011: Happy Christmas dear friends ~ and a joyful and healthy new year to you all. xx

  11. I am so sorry for your lost. I think it is a wise decision to delay the return post blog. Thank you for letting everyone know about the giveaway. The card is lovely.

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